An End to U.S. Polarization

A New Form of Americana

Marv Wainschel
7 min readSep 22, 2020


CAVEAT: This article was written from the imagined perspective of a type of person you might not like or agree with. If so, I’m with you. It’s an attempt to expose an extreme but ominous position. It’s a glimpse into the dark recesses of the sick mind of someone who considers himself to be patriotic, who fails utterly to comprehend the meaning of patriotism in this country, who thinks that the world exists for his kind alone, and who sees a way to eliminate all opposition. The article is in the form of a note to his buddies, his comrades in arms. From my own perspective, it is meant as a warning to readers, because the dark thoughts and bizarre plans of this imagined sociopath could actually be brought to some kind of fruition, as it has elsewhere in the past. (Heed Santayana.) Please take no offense, but I hope it scares you.



Most of the American populace is beyond debating. Instead, they have learned to hate and criticize those who disagree with their political points of view. Some have even talked of civil war, an increasingly likely possibility that would not help our cause. Polarization is killing us.

But we can end it. We need to use the strength of our national resources, technology and legal opportunities to unify the U.S. population, and we have a trailblazer who is willing to do so. With Donald J. Trump as Supreme Leader, the nation can be transformed overnight into a righteous cohesive force. Here’s how:

Immediately after the 2020 election, whether or not the electorate chooses to have Trump retain the power of the presidency after January 20, we need to escalate any protests or even mild civil unrest to appear as riots in major cities across the country. In the period between mid-November and the end of the year, armed friends of Trump — Neo-Nazis, KKK and our other white supremacist brothers — will have time to infiltrate existing BLM protests and cause havoc that will look like insurrection. These groups are well trained and have ample experience carrying out exactly that function during recent protests. To date, this program has been accomplished on a relatively small scale, preparing us for the large scale riots needed for the next stage.

Trump can then send his already experienced “guard” — unidentified troops in camouflage uniforms (another well-tested group) — to quell the riots. While that’s happening, he can issue a nation-wide lockdown, declare martial law and suspend the U.S. Constitution. (This is absolutely possible, as described later herein.) Until such “suspension” (termination) is in place, Trump will have the power of the Senate supporting him under Mitch McConnell at least until January 3, 2021. (After McConnell is no longer needed, he and others who could be too powerful will be dispensed with — with prejudice.)

If you are skeptical about the feasibility of this program, please be consoled that the ability to bring a nation from a Democratic Constitutional Republic to full Dictatorship has been accomplished successfully in the past. Read “The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler” by William Shirer. It is by far an easier read than his “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” but still provides all the essential methodology by which the above action can be achieved and was achieved in Germany in the early 1930’s. In the USA, the setup for this program is already in place.

Though Trump shows little in common with Hitler, Trump’s and our naïve followers will go along with the program, tacitly or actively, in the same way that followers of der Führer in 1930’s Germany did. The rationale in Germany was (1) Hatred of Jews and Communists, justified by such incidents as the Reichstag fire and anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager; (2) The desire to fix the German economy; and (3) The desire to see Germany reign supreme over the world’s nations (“Deutschland über alles”).

Today, in the USA, our loyal Trump followers have parallel justifications: (1) Concerns about violence and terrorism from Muslims and other minorities, including “invasion” by South American illegals; (2) The desire to restore the economy to pre-pandemic conditions and de-legitimize abortions; and (3) “America First” nationalistic assertiveness. These are valid reasons to take unprecedented action to protect white America, and the successful efforts by our current administration to sustain and prolong the COVID-19 pandemic works well in our favor, as were economic problems in 1930’s Germany.

Note also that the U.S. President has the absolute right to suspend the Constitution. Trump is fully cognizant of this power. In April 2020, he stated, “When somebody is the President of the United States, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s got to be — it’s total.” This is true. “For instance, the president can, with the flick of his pen, activate laws allowing him to shut down many kinds of electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts. Other powers are available even without a declaration of emergency, including laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.” ¹

All this is good news. While the Constitution is suspended, Trump is effectively a monarch and can do anything needed to complete the plan. These are the seven steps he needs to do:

  1. Replace the highest levels of U.S. military leadership with Trump loyalists.
  2. Suspend habeas corpus² and jail without right of appeal any prospective or actual adversaries, including Generals just replaced.
  3. Begin the elimination of high-level opponents or prospective opponents, including those who seem to be supporters in Congress but are merely intimidated souls who might not fully support the loss of democracy when pushed to the wall.
  4. Issue a new Constitution, declaring Trump Supreme Leader.
  5. Announce curfews, make protests unlawful and shoot offenders to make an example of what will happen when people defy His Supreme Leader.
  6. Take over headquarters of all social media and install Trump Loyalists into leadership positions.
  7. Close all news media and liberal entertainment.

Once these steps are achieved, there will be little concern about polarized opinion. Naturally, there will be some resistance, but with network technology controlled by His Supreme Leader, communications among such groups will be limited and easily contained. Such action fulfills the objective to virtually end polarization in America, but that’s only the beginning.

Without internal opposition and with the most powerful military at his disposal, His Supreme Leader will then have immense worldwide respect and command. Action will be required to transform mere American world preeminence into the ascendancy of the American Empire. Until world dominance can be achieved, we will need allies, and Russia and China will happily comply — at first — with new trade deals, elimination of tariffs and, of course, no U.S. opposition to crimes against humanity within those countries.

The first step in American expansion will be to abolish NATO and force the EU and Great Britain to agree to being governed under the American flag. Nationalism among European countries being high, such agreement will require some force, and examples of the awesome American military power with pre-emptive strikes will ultimately solve that problem, though it may take several months. South and Central America will fall easily without international objection. Australia and India are next, although care needs to be taken that India does not use their nuclear capability. As to the African “shithole” nations, they can be temporarily parceled off to our new allies along with Iran and North Korea. We will take Saudi Arabia for its oil.

Russia and China may take years to be conquered by the American Empire due to large land masses and populations. Trade wars, blockades and strategic “accidental” destructive activities will wear them down eventually, and we will bury them. Other nuclear nations like Pakistan may need to be dealt with via strategic nuclear strikes, and Israel should be blown off the map to complete the Final Solution.

In this manner, even before worldwide domination (America über alles) is complete, the American Empire will enjoy the great bounty and unity provided by renewed protection of white America. Please be vigilant for the president’s signal to infiltrate protests and escalate violence.

Your Proud Comrade in Arms,
Otto von Schnitzelburghschleisbucher


You may think of the scenario I’ve painted above as deeply cynical, grossly exaggerated or just pessimistic. You could be right, but I hope that our current psychopathic president isn’t blissfully fantasizing just such a scenario. His fomenting of hate and fear and divisiveness are feeding far right-wing latent aspirations and extremist arrogance that are similarly unhealthy and dangerous.

In any case, though the article recommends reading “The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler” to support its absurd contentions, you actually should read it — obviously not for the same reason. If you do, pay special attention to the last chapter in Part 2, “Führer and Dictator”. In fact, read that chapter if nothing else. WARNING: You likely will be horrified by the parallels to the existing threat to American democracy. I was.

UPDATE, 30Sep2020: In last night’s debate of presidential candidates, Trump refused to denounce white supremacists and addressed one such group directly, a white supremacist group that endorses violence, saying, “Proud Boys — Stand back and stand by.” In military terms, “stand by” means to be on full alert and await further instructions.


¹ From “The Atlantic” article, January/February 2019 print edition with headline “In Case of Emergency” by Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice.

² “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it”. (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2) Note: President Lincoln suspended the privilege in the early Civil War period and was subsequently authorized by Congress. Similarly, FDR sent Japanese Americans to internment camps for years without trial or due process. Attorney General William Barr has proposed having the power to hold any citizen indefinitely without trial at his discretion during the pandemic whether related to COVID-19 or not.



Marv Wainschel

An authority on information technology and its responsible application for solving business problems, Marv founded a situation management consultancy in 1983.